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Created Sunday 01 January 2023

I can't believe I haven't written this already. I am a lazy writer.

DoggersWallkers, Bees, Pickers.
This is the System
It is a human-dominated world. The problem---and now one of our last solutions left---is humans. Want to polinate your individual strawberry flowers? Hire a swarm of Bees.

The typical basic level of survellience in Human nieghborhoods are Walkers. They who walk their dogs around the neigborhood. And it makes about as much as you'd think. Studies have found good evdience that Walker pairs consume more fdog food than the dog could eat---even if it were obese. But not a bad (if nearly unpaid) position; there's some security (you) as long as, you know, you can walk.
Pickers pick trash. Yep, that was an early one to evolve....

It cannot be but a caste. Someone has to do the dirty work. Nearly all of it.

But to be sustainable (and let's assume it's reached that: Humanity is at a social equilibrium), it as an organism must be positive sum; something must emerge from it or it will founder and die.

But not all parts get the same. In eusocial insects (as I really think I said here already---oh, in Blattids, nevermind) I understand their is a trophic ladder where some---the reproducing & adapting caste; the fruit of the vine---get a ricker social broth than those lower down. An already calorie-rich and nutrient-poor diet has even less of both lower down.

Humans as apex predators

What would (will) evolve to best evade us?