* @version $Revision: 18172 $ */ class WebCamModule extends GalleryModule { function WebCamModule() { global $gallery; $this->setId('webcam'); $this->setName($gallery->i18n('WebCam')); $this->setDescription($gallery->i18n('Support periodically updated images like a webcam')); $this->setVersion('1.1.6'); /* Update upgrade() function below too */ $this->_templateVersion = 1; $this->setGroup('import', $gallery->i18n('Import')); $this->setCallbacks('getSiteAdminViews'); $this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(7, 45)); $this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(3, 6)); } /** * @see GalleryModule::upgrade */ function upgrade($currentVersion) { global $gallery; list ($ret, $params) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPluginParameters('module', 'webcam'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } foreach (array('duration' => 600 /* 10 minutes */, 'fromweb' => 'admin') as $key => $value) { if (!isset($params[$key])) { $ret = $this->setParameter($key, $value); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } } if (!empty($currentVersion)) { switch ($currentVersion) { case '0.8': case '0.8.1': case '0.8.2': case '0.8.3': case '0.8.4': case '0.8.5': /* Changed from GalleryLiveImage entity type to onLoadHandler */ $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); $query = 'UPDATE [GalleryEntity] SET [::entityType] = \'GalleryPhotoItem\', [::onLoadHandlers] = \'|WebCam|\' WHERE [GalleryEntity::entityType] = \'GalleryLiveImage\' AND [GalleryEntity::onLoadHandlers] IS NULL'; $ret = $storage->execute($query); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $handlers) = $storage->getFunctionSql('CONCAT', array('[GalleryEntity::onLoadHandlers]', "'WebCam|'")); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $query = 'UPDATE [GalleryEntity] SET [::entityType] = \'GalleryPhotoItem\', [::onLoadHandlers] = ' . $handlers . ' WHERE [GalleryEntity::entityType] = \'GalleryLiveImage\' AND [GalleryEntity::onLoadHandlers] IS NOT NULL'; $ret = $storage->execute($query); if ($ret) { return $ret; } break; case '0.9.0': case '0.9.1': case '0.9.2': case '0.9.3': case '0.9.4': case '0.9.5': case '0.9.6': case '0.9.7': case '0.9.8': case '1.0.0': case '1.0.1': case '1.0.2': case '1.0.3': case '1.0.4': case '1.0.5': case '': case '': case '': case '1.1.0': /* .mo file migration */ case '1.1.1': case '1.1.2': case '1.1.3': /* Limiting file:// to admins and from URL to trusted people */ case '1.1.4': /* Require minimum core API 7.45 */ case '1.1.5': case 'end of upgrade path': break; default: return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PLUGIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf('Unknown module version %s', $currentVersion)); } } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::performFactoryRegistrations */ function performFactoryRegistrations() { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'GalleryOnLoadHandler', 'WebCamModule', 'WebCam', 'modules/webcam/module.inc', 'webcam', null); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::registerFactoryImplementation( 'ItemAddPlugin', 'ItemAddWebCam', 'ItemAddWebCam', 'modules/webcam/ItemAddWebCam.inc', 'webcam', null); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } /** * @see GalleryModule::getOnLoadHandlerIds */ function getOnLoadHandlerIds() { return array('WebCam'); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getSiteAdminViews */ function getSiteAdminViews() { return array(null, array(array('name' => $this->translate('WebCam'), 'view' => 'webcam.WebCamSiteAdmin'))); } /** * Check age and refresh from external source if needed.. */ function onLoad(&$item, $duringUpgrade) { $old = false; $id = $item->getId(); $loop = GalleryDataCache::containsKey("webcam:load-$id"); /* We don't want to refresh the external source during an upgrade */ if ($duringUpgrade) { return null; } list ($ret, $duration) = $this->getParameter('duration'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if (time() - $item->getModificationTimestamp() > $duration && !$loop) { if (GalleryCoreApi::isWriteLocked($id)) { /* Item already busy (maybe being deleted).. don't update now */ return null; } /* Lock and refresh to ensure another request didn't just update image.. */ list ($ret, $lockId) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireWriteLock($id); if ($ret) { return $ret; } GalleryDataCache::put("webcam:load-$id", true); list ($ret, $refresh) = $item->refresh(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } if ($refresh->getSerialNumber() == $item->getSerialNumber()) { $old = true; } } if ($old) { global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $tmpDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'); $backupFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'webcambak'); list ($ret, $url) = $this->getParameter('imageUrl', $id); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } $urlComponents = parse_url($url); if ($urlComponents['scheme'] == 'file') { /* PHP 4.3.0 trips on file:///path/here (triple slash).. result lands in 'host' */ if (!isset($urlComponents['path']) && isset($urlComponents['host'])) { $urlComponents['path'] = $urlComponents['host']; } $tmpFile = $urlComponents['path']; $successfullyCopied = $platform->file_exists($tmpFile); } else { $tmpFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'webcam'); list ($successfullyCopied, $response, $headers) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchWebFile($url, $tmpFile); } if (!$successfullyCopied) { /* Can't get the current image.. just keep what we have now */ } else { list ($ret, $path) = $item->fetchPath(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } /* Backup previous file */ $ret = $platform->copy($path, $backupFile); if (!$ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE); } $ret = $platform->copy($tmpFile, $path); if (!$ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE); } $ret = $item->rescan(); if ($ret) { if (!($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_BAD_DATA_TYPE)) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } /* Problem with new file (maybe html response, not data file); rollback */ $platform->copy($backupFile, $path); } else { $item->setOriginationTimestamp(time()); $ret = $item->save(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::expireDerivativeTreeBySourceIds(array($id)); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } } @$platform->unlink($backupFile); } if ($urlComponents['scheme'] != 'file') { @$platform->unlink($tmpFile); } } if (isset($lockId)) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } return null; } } ?>