SiteBar 3 History ================= [!] Important [+] New [-] Fixed error [*] Changes [Bxx] - refers to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release 3.3.9 Bug & Security Fixes October 13 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Reduced time for loading of roots - important performance boost on large installations. [+] Add index on nid column on root table for performance. [-] Wrong detection of comment end in Netscape format caused incomplete load of bookmarks (from Firefox). [-] Fetching time added to the time spent in database for statistics. [-] Fixed escaping for blogroll format. [-] Fixed quoting of comments for export to Opera. [-] Fixed incorrect date and missing TTL in a RSS feed. [-] Integration problem with IE7 (icons) solved. Credit to jouellet from!!! [-] Backend search is now not case sensitive. [-] Fixed bug with favicon cache management leading to SQL error with ambiguous column name in the WHERE clause. Credit to Tim Brown for security problem report [-] Multiple security issues fixed in the translation module which could be exploited by user having admin or translation access to SiteBar. A workaround for version 3.3.8 is to delete the file translator.php, it only used for translation of SiteBar strings into other languages. [-] Multiple cross site scripting issues fixed (CVE-2006-3320 and others). You would have to click on a link prepared by malicious user, what could let him get control over your session (until it expires). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release 3.3.8 Bug Fixes April 1 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] Tree class and sanity module improved to consume less memory. [-] Fixed display of the statistics for SQL queries. [-] Group management functions should not be available to anonymous users. [-] Fixed warning when filtering user groups using empty filter regexp. [-] Improved code for adding page in IE so that it works with IE 6.0 (was showing error accessing external.menuArguments.document). [-] Some keys for the MS IE integration installer were moved from HKEY_CURRENT_USER to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This solved problem experienced by some MS IE 6.0 users (and actually conforms to the tutorial from MS). [-] Fixed "mobile" SiteBar writer - adapted to changed plugin API. [-] Feed URL fixed again. Be warned, it does not seem granted it will work forwever. [-] Use relative path for JavaScript - it should be found there. [-] Private links were not loaded over AJAX. [-] Feed URL fixed, URL is now encoded before sending to the reader. [-] When "Auto Retrieve Favicon" was turned off, the URL has not been prefilled when adding a link. [-] Folders loaded via AJAX were not using externally set target attribute. [-] [B120] Language detection not working for nb_NO/no_NO. [-] [B118] Remove "content" from "Add Page" bookmarklet. [-] [B111] Enter key not working in the search field for searching web in IE. is now used instead of trying to set proper window location.href [*] Development releases now marked with svn after version number. [-] Fixed wrong path composition when changing images in the JavaScript. [-] [B112] ' entity incorrectly used in HTML output causing problems in IE. [*] Do not force version check upon each execution of SiteBar Settings. [-] Avoid using function mysql_real_escape_string with PHP less then 4.3. [-] [B114] Online help URL should be encoded. [-] [B113] "Create Group" - default moderator should be current user. [-] Fixed web search URL (replaced %25 back to %). [-] Frontend filtering is back - requested by users. [-] Fix favicon handling when added a link. [*] Rename no_NO to nb_NO ( [+] Replace menu expanding using "two lines" with graphics. Placing mouse over the line of the double arrow expands the collapsed context menu. [-] Fixed accented characters for some locales in the language name. [-] Fixed ru_RU locale - caused blank pages on some installations. [-] Removed ampersand conversion to entity in text emails during account approval. [-] Fixed toggling of class name of disabled items. [-] Fixed declaration of new javascript variables. [-] Fixed incorrect enabling of commands in context menus. [-] Disable HTTP traffic loggin. [-] Disable automated downgrade, only one release can be downgraded at a time. [-] "Email Verified" and "Invalid Token" changed to inplace commands. [-] Some account creation messages were using email instead of username. [-] Fix update of translations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release 3.3.7 Usability Audit + AJAX Folder Loading February 18 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Vlad Kout for standards compliance audit and many other tips, error fixes and improvements. Thanks to Petr Vecerek for suggesting and helping with the usability audit and related changes. Thanks to Christoph Huber for useful error reports. [+] New user setting "Feed Reader URL" for lightweight RSS feed support. Uses Google Reader by default. [+] New link attributed "Feed Link", to mark links as feeds. [+] AJAX is used to load content of just opened folder - dramatic improvement in SiteBar responsiveness. Frontend filtering removed because searching would be usless. [+] SiteBar now renders in standards compliance mode (HTML 4.01 Transitional). [*] Username is used instead of email for identification - please check your feeds, email must be replaced with username. [*] Default domain switch removed - username is used now instead. [+] Mandatory fields are marked with a star. [+] [B31] Links in search results now show a folder in which they are located. Clicking on folder name invokes browse mode for that folder. [+] In the browse folder mode, non anonymous users can see "Properties" field for links and folders. Folders can be opened in the SiteBar tree format. [+] [B55] Added possibility to select default searching tool in "User Settings". [+] Added writer "BlogRoll JS