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Strategies, Tactics, and Styles

"It's a classic pincer move. It can't fail against a 10 year old!"

"There are no good wars---with the following exceptions: The American Revolution, World War 2, and the Star Wars triology"

Bottom line:
Your [space] combat has to be easily made into a Steve Jackson game. You do that, and you have an interesting foundation on which to build a hunting story.

In general, those with fewer resources tend towards more armor.

But never forget among humans the importance---the advantage and disadvantage---of there being knights. Learned knights with their own ships. One of which was like a tin Tin rocket complete with barber stripes. And a relativistic1 AM cannon. (Actually, two) An unassuming OGRE of the sky.

1 It's hard to get good telemetry on things before they happen, but Ai has gotten pretty good at sucking out close to optimal information levels from blasts into the past. Relativistci cannon can line up to shoot at Corsairs before they even know where they're goin to jump. AM, gamma, the use of metals, strong defensive points, and a energy-inefficient but novel way to jump are several of what humans bring to bear. Like many things, we're also resilient to famine in our biome. But we are relatively weka in other biomes. And, yeah, even in maintaining our own. We civilized by creat5ing a new biome (and thus ent4ring in new ones). Maybe make that unique to us (but what to make in its stead?)
But our really distinghuishing trait is that we remain the noontime hunter. We endure.

The moment all hope is lost.