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Ship Patterns

Created Friday 08 June 2012

- "Mine? Nah, mine's whoolrich plaid with day-glo green flames."

- A doudy craft, shaped like a beetle and painted like a pool of oil.

- Its siloutte cut the shape of a grim battle-axe, and it was crawling with macabre orange and black hallowe'en images. The Brethren's ship.

- A classic Tin Tin rocket, right down to the red-and-white barber's stripes twisting to a flag on its nose cone

- A spinning noob tube, the polarized siding was such that a huge image of Muybridge's horse (made into a Pegasus on the craft) perpetually galloped on its side.

- Painted with swirling jumble of Georgia O'Keefe-like flowers, fruit, leaves, roots, and spore in saturated colors rich like after a soaking rain. As twisted and abstract as the images were, all the vegetation was scientifically accurate, with a terrestial orchid crowning the nose.

Pudgie craft resemble jelly fish and planton; they twist and undulate as they carry out their inner processes.